Marylean is a qualified financial expert and operations executive.  She is a retired Caterpillar Business Segment CFO, Partner in the Florida CFO Group and CFO for Women Corporate Directors.

She is known for:

– maximizing profit through product segmentation and operational efficiencies
– leading a billion-dollar improvement in working capital
– careful selection of M&A opportunities, acquisition integration and managing risk

She previously served as CFO for several Caterpillar multi-billion-dollar business segments as well as General Manager for Global Business Services where she managed a global team of over 1,500 including finance, information technology, and procurement.   As a strategy executive at US Steel, she drove the execution of their 2018-2020 transformation strategy.

She is a certified management accountant (CMA).  She earned her BS at Illinois State University, MBA at University of Illinois and participated in the Innovation Partnership Program at Singularity University.  She is married to William Abney and has one daughter and one granddaughter.